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The Process of Laser Tattoo Removal

If you’re regretting getting that tattoo on a holiday with the girls or you have a tattoo that wasn’t of the quality you expected, you don’t need to worry. Aesthetics of Essex are able to remove any unwanted tattoos using PicoSure tattoo removal.

Regardless of the size and colour of your tattoo, you can be assured PicoSure tattoo removal will do the job. Before we begin your tattoo removal, we always have a thorough and detailed consultation with you, take your medical history into account and talk about your desired outcomes, so we can ensure that we are providing the best possible treatment for your needs.

Before booking your PicoSure tattoo removal in Essex, let’s have a look at what PicoSure is and what the benefits are for using this process on your unwanted tattoos.

The science bit!

Advances in technology means that the theory that any tattoo you may have will be permanent, is no longer the case.

Prior to the development of laser tattoo removal, attempts to remove tattoos used to be excision, dermabrasion, cryosurgery, salabrasion – rubbing salt and water into the tattoo and using an abrasive object to rub away the upper layers of the skin – and trichloroacetic acid (TCS).

Unsurprisingly, a lot of these procedures came with side effects, which is something you don’t need to worry about with PicoSure tattoo removal! Using picosecond pulses, the PicoSure laser can target the macrophages – specialised, immune cells found in the dermis (connective tissue layer sandwiched between the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue) – and consumes the ‘injured cells’, so when the macrophages die, the tattoo will fade over time as there are few pigments to swallow up.

PicoSure tattoo removal in Essex is entirely safe and uses pulses of energy that penetrates the skin and is absorbed by the ink of the tattoo and, as the tattoo ink particles absorb the energy, they heat up and then shatter into tiny fragments.

In the weeks that follow, the body’s immune system flushes the tattoo ink particles away from the place of the tattoo, which results in appearance of the tattoo lightening.

Each treatment you undergo will see the tattoo become lighter and lighter until eventually, it will disappear!


Benefits of PicoSure tattoo removal in Essex

The benefits to choosing PicoSure tattoo removal, include:


  • cost-effective – tattoos can be removed in few treatments, saving both time and money
  • works effectively on any skin type
  • adequately works on traditionally stubborn blue and green inks
  • accurate and effective, with PicoSure tattoo removal requiring 50-75% fewer treatments than other tattoo removal treatments
  • extremely low risk of scarring
  • the results are permanent – so it’s important you are 100% sure that you want your tattoo removed before commencing treatment


How many treatments will you need?

At Aesthetics of Essex, we are confident that you will only need approximately six sessions to get your skin back to the way it used to be – soft and tattoo free! The cost of the PicoSure tattoo removal will depend on the size of the tattoo you want removing but click here and you will see our pricing list to give you some idea.

And you don’t have to take our word for it – have a look and see what our customers say about us and our treatments.

Contact us

To speak to us about PicoSure tattoo removal in Essex or to book an appointment, you can call us on 01708 225555 or 07999 442318. You can also fill out our online form or email us at  and we’ll get back to you!



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