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Rhinoplasty (Nose Re-shaping)

More and more people in the UK are having Cosmetic Surgery to either enhance or correct specific features that they are not happy with on their face or body. Some people feel that having these cosmetic procedures will improve their own perceived body image, and increase their self-confidence. In places such as Essex, the pressure to look good is high. Confidence is attractive, and we believe everyone should feel comfortable with their physical appearance.


Balance your facial features


Rhinoplasty is the second most popular cosmetic procedure performed in the UK, with breast enlargement surgery claiming the top spot. Rhinoplasty – also known as a ‘nose job’ – is a cosmetic procedure that is considered by people who are unhappy with the appearance of their nose and would like to undergo surgery to correct it. Nose reshaping surgery Essex is an invasive procedure to achieve a smaller nose by reshaping the bridge, tip, nostril size or overall profile of the nose. This type of surgery can also be performed to relieve breathing difficulties or fix a misshapen nose.
Reasons why people undergo Nose Reconstruction:
– The nose appears out of proportion to the face
– Unsightly bumps on the nasal bridge
– Nose is too wide
– A hooked tip
– A bulbous tip
– Nostril reduction
– The nose is off centre or crooked
– Nasal injury

There are two surgical approaches available; Open and Closed Rhinoplasty. The procedure best suited to you will be discussed during your initial consultation. Nose Surgery Essex is carried out under general anaesthetic and can takes around two hours (depending on the individual).

The average cost of a nose job varies from £4,000 to £6,000.

After your nose surgery, bruising and swelling is to be expected. Dressing and a splint will be applied to the area to support the nose and aid the healing process, this will be removed after a week or so.

The initial recovery time will take around two weeks, however it will take several months till you see the full result.

Cosmetic surgery is not a decision that should be undertaken lightly. It’s important that you have a clear idea of how you would like your nose to look, and are informed of the potential Rhinoplasty risks.

If you’re considering any type of plastic or cosmetic procedure, we would recommend you discuss your requirements with a qualified cosmetic surgeon in our Essex clinic. Call us to book a free cosmetic surgery consultation on 01708 225555.

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