What is CryoPen™?
CryoPen™ is an advanced cryotherapy innovation that is a fast, effective, safe and a new solution for removal of skin imperfections. … Cosmetic procedures are no longer being treated by many doctors on the NHS.
CryoPen can eliminate skin tags, warts, verrucaes, milia, cherry anginomas, sun and age spots. It works by emitting a fine jet of nitrous oxide under high pressure, which allows us to work with millimetre precision. This freezes and destroys the tissue around the lesion, forming ice shards and crystals which rupture the membrane, thereby destroying the cell. That means there will be no collateral damage to healthy tissue. It’s so incredibly accurate and practical.
Which skin imperfections can be treated with CryoPen?
Skin tags – Once again, skin tags are a common and harmless imperfection. They cause no pain or discomfort, but their appearance can often affect a person’s self-esteem and confidence levels. As such, skin tag removal using CryoPen treatment has become an increasingly popular option at our clinic.
Milia – Although they can appear anywhere on the body, millia are usually grouped together on the nose, cheeks and chin. They are small white bumps, which develop when skin flakes get trapped or keratin builds up under the surface of the skin and they usually resolve on their own over time. In some instances, however, millia can be particularly stubborn and specialised treatments – such as cryopen – is required to get rid of them once and for all.
Cherry angiomas – Essentially, a cherry angioma is a red mole. They are a common type of skin growth that can develop on most areas of the body. Unless a cherry angioma bleeds or changes in shape, size or colour, they are not usually a cause for concern; however, they do have a reddish appearance and people often like to have them removed using specialist cryopen treatment.
Warts and verrucas – Most people will experience a wart or verruca at some point in their life. They are small hard lumps that appear on the skin and, although they don’t cause any harm, some people find them itchy, painful and embarrassing. This is why, rather than waiting months (or even years) for them to go away on their own, many people now turn to cryotherapy for warts and verrucas and seek the professional help of our clinic.
Sun/Age Spots – These tend to present themselves as flat brown or black marks that appear on the surface of the skin and they are typically found on the face, hands, shoulders, upper back and forearms. Doctors don’t really understand why they develop, but they do know they are caused by the excess production of melanin or skin pigment and they are probably the result of skin ageing and frequent exposure to the sun.
Procedure Time? Dependent on skin lesion averagely 5 – 30 seconds
Please be aware, if the lesion is large, you may find that CryoPen simply wont remove it. In this case, our Surgeon can excise the lesion at a cost of £350.
To register for a free-of-charge consultation with one of our experts, or to just discuss a general query, please contact us on 01708225555.
CryoPen Treatment at Aesthetics of Essex
Our team of therapists, here at Aesthetics of Essex, are skilled and experienced in the use of the cryotherapy pen. Whatever the nature of your imperfection – whether you require milia removal, skin tag removal, wart removal or wish to banish your cherry angiomas once and for all, we’re here to help.
CryoPen treatment has exceptional results, particularly when compared with traditional cryotherapy procedures, and you may be surprised by our competitive and affordable costs. So why not get in touch today? Give us a call on 01708 225 555 or send an email to info@aestheticsofessex.co.uk and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.