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How to Prepare For Dermal Fillers

As we age, our skin looses it elasticity, youthful glow, and our skin and lip volume will gradually lessen, making our skin and lips thinner and prone to wrinkles, because of this, many people choose to have Dermal and Lip Fillers to help them to feel younger as Dermal Fillers can rejuvenate the face by lifting facial wrinkles and smoothing out deep folds that appear on the face and Lip Fillers can help to restore lost volume and definition in your lips.

Although Dermal Fillers and Lip Fillers are a great way to help you gain back your confidence again, it is also very important that you are prepared for your facial filler treatments. How you care for your skin before and after your procedure plays a vital role in the achievement of optimal results.

How to Prepare for Lip Injections

You should prepare for your Dermal Fillers physically and mentally, because although the procedure has a very low risk level, near to no side-effects and heals in a matter of days…it is still important that your body and most importantly your skin is ready and up to the treatment. You don’t want to be in any unnecessary discomfort or pain during the procedure and remember that the treatment should be making you feel better about yourself, not worse.

The best way to prepare for Dermal Fillers is to make sure you are keeping your body healthy. You should keep your skin, especially the areas in which the procedure will be working on, in good condition. This can be done by moisturising and keeping it clean so that pores are not damaged when the treatment occurs. It isn’t dangerous, but it is advisable to not have any acne, spots, white or blackheads present whilst the procedure is taking place as they may cause pain. The same advice goes for any existing skin conditions such as eczema and syrisis that affect you around the neck and face.

The most common side effects reported by patients for all Dermal Filler procedures are temporary bruising and swelling. Patients may reduce the amount of bruising and swelling by:

– Limiting their alcohol consumption (having none the night before your procedure)
– Avoiding strenuous exercise the day of treatment, as this increases the heart rate and speeds up blood flow, meaning it increases your risk of bruising
– Not using Vitamin E, Aspirin, Herbal Supplements, Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen 1-2 weeks prior to treatment as these medications are more likely to cause bruising
Patients should also get plenty of rest the night before the treatment and try to eliminate as much stress as possible during the night before and the day of your treatment to prevent you from feeling rushed and hurried. When you come in to have your procedure done, you will be asked to remove any make-up, the area that is being treated will then be disinfected, the area to be injected is marked out then the fillers will be injected.

After the procedure, you should avoid strenuous exercise and the consumption of alcohol for at least 24 hours and you should also avoid extended exposure to sun or UV light, extended exposure to heat or freezing temperatures as exposure to them may cause temporary redness, swelling, and/or itching at the injection sites for two weeks after the procedure.

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