Summertime is well and truly on its way, are you ready to bare all?
The summer season can be a daunting time for people who are body conscious; nobody wants to spend their holiday worrying about unwanted hair growth while you’re in your bikini, or at the beach.
Excessive hair growth can be damaging to your self confidence, especially for ethnicities with dark, coarse hair, for women with noticeable facial and chest hair, and even for men – at least one in five men feel pressured to remove hair from their torso.
Many try to tackle unwanted hair growth with hair removal creams, shaving, and waxing, however the end result is always the same – the hair returns, only thicker and coarser. Laser hair removal is a more effective method of getting rid of unwanted body hair as the hair follicles are targeted at the root, so your skin will be smoother for longer, and best of all – hair free!
Effective Hair Removal
Like many other non-surgical cosmetic treatments, laser hair removal is also increasing in popularity. Laser and IPL hair removal is recognised as a pain-free investment into permanent hair removal on most areas on the body, including face, chest, underarms, back, pubic region and legs. The precision of the laser has the ability to target only the hair that’s present in the treatment area, leaving your skin undamaged. Did you know that an average of 10 – 25% of hair growth is haltered after each treatment? The more treatments you have, the less time you’ll spend shaving and waxing.
Having your unwanted hair removed by laser will improve your self-confidence; no need to worry about patches of unwanted hair on your underarms or back, no more shaving rash or stubbly hair re-growth.
We understand this hair removal method is costly, 25% off your first laser treatment, so that you can experience the procedure and results, and decide if this treatment is right for you. We also acknowledge the fact that more than one session is required for effective results, therefore we will give you a free treatment after your 7th session with us.
If you’re interested in this treatment we would like to invite you for a free consultation with us so that we can discuss with you your options. For more information about Laser hair removal and IPL click here, alternatively you can contact us on 01708 225555.