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Cryopen Treatment Rayleigh

Cryopen Treatment Rayleigh

Cryopen is a fast and effective treatment for a number of different skin blemishes, lesions and imperfections. A low-risk, minimally-invasive solution without the need for injections or needles, cryopen uses highly-pressured liquid nitrous oxide to destroy the tissue.

Here at Aesthetics of Rayleigh, our clients have raved about the results they have experienced from the cryopen. As it is highly precise, the cryopen specifically targets lesions and blemishes and leaves the skin around the blemish healthy and unmarked. You may need more than one treatment before your skin is smooth and unmarked, but this all depends on the type, size and thickness of the lesion requiring treatment. For instance, skin tags tend to remove in one session alone whereas warts can take 3 sessions.

The cryopen is used in circular movements over the surface of the skin, always remaining within the limits of the treatment area. It can penetrate 1mm of tissue in 5 seconds, with each treatment cycle taking between 5 and 30 seconds on each skin lesion.

Our team here at Aesthetics of Rayleigh are highly skilled in the use of the cryopen, with the treatment producing excellent results, compared to other traditional cryotherapy procedures.


Areas we cover with cryopen treatment in Rayleigh

We cover a wide range of skin imperfections on your body, including:

  • Milia

Milia are tiny white bumps on the skin, which can appear anywhere, but are mainly seen in a collection under the eyes, on the nose, cheeks and chin.

Milia occur when skin flakes get trapped and keratin builds up under the surface of the skin. Although they can resolve over time, they mostly require specialised cryopen treatment to permanently remove them.


  • Skin tags

Skin tags are small, soft, skin-coloured growths on the skin, usually caused by friction, which can be as little as a few millimetres or as much as 5cm wide. No matter what the size of the skin tag, or where it is on your body, we can target it with cryopen treatment in Rayleigh.

Extremely common, non-painful and completely harmless, they can sometimes be in a position on the body that causes self-esteem issues or where they can become an annoyance –  getting in the way of certain clothing.


  • Sun/age spots

Sun/age spots are small areas of hyperpigmentation presenting on the skin as flat brown or black spots – also known as liver spots – developed by exposure to the sun or part of the natural ageing process. Sunspots tend to appear only on the skin which is exposed to the sun, such as the face, neck, shoulders, hands and forearms.

Generally harmless, you should be aware of the different marks on your skin and monitor them for any changes in size or feel, at which point you should seek medical advice.


  • Warts/verrucas

We’ve all had a wart or verruca at some point in our lives and these are caused by infection of the skin with human papillomavirus (HPV), which can be spread from person to person. This is why it’s very common to come home from the swimming pool with a verruca!

Both warts and verrucas can eventually go on their own, but sometimes it can take years for this to happen. They can be painful – particularly verrucas – and look unsightly, making them the perfect candidates for cryopen treatment in Rayleigh.


  • Cherry angiomas

A cherry angioma – or a red lesion – is a benign (non-cancerous) dome-shaped growth on the skin, which is compiled of blood vessels or capillaries. When you find a cherry angioma – the most common type of angioma – the chances are you will find another one close by.

Whilst the exact reason for cherry angiomas is not known, it is thought that ageing, genetics, stress and sun exposure could be the reasons.


  • Xanthelasma

Xanthelasma, or xanthelasma palpebrarum (XP), is a harmless, yellow growth that appears on or by the corners of your eyelids next to your nose, they can be flat or slightly raised. Cholesterol deposits build up under your skin to form a xanthelasma.


Benefits of cryopen treatment in Rayleigh

There are a number of benefits of undergoing cryopen treatment in Rayleigh, including:

  • Safe and proven
  • Minimally invasive with minimal discomfort
  • Pinpoint accuracy – doesn’t damage the surrounding healthy tissue
  • Successful on skin lesions ranging in size up to 10mm
  • Safe for use on the face, including close to the eyes


Contact us

If you think that cryopen treatment in Rayleigh is perfect for you, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can get in contact with us at Aesthetics of Rayleigh by telephone on 01702 831200 or 07413 897435 or fill out our online request form here

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